
A 3-post collection

Debug ASP.NET Core with Multiple Browsers from VS Code on MacOS

I recently needed to launch different browsers for debugging a .NET Core [https://www.microsoft.com/net] app in Visual Studio Code [https://code.visualstudio.com/] on a MacOS. A quick Google search yielded how to launch different browsers from VS Code for debugging ASP.NET Core [https://dotnetthoughts.net/launching-different-browser-from-vscode/], but this was Windows centric. While the changes below are simple, I thought I would document them anyway. Here is the whole launch.json file for ref...

My Top Five VS Code Extensions for Outlook Addin Development

The release of Visual Studio Code 1.3.0 brought enhancements to browsing for and managing Visual Studio Code Extensions. With the 1.3.0 release an extensions pane was introduced to search for installing and managing extensions to VS Code. This is similar to extension management for Visual Studio (for Windows), Brackets, and other editors too. I have been spending some of my free time (since I have so much) trying to get back into coding and chose to create an Outlook Addin using Angular 2 and T...